Our Global Marketplace
Our global suppliers consist of IC-manufacturers, authorized distributors, and qualified independent distributors. Take advantage of the different price levels manufacturers apply in different geographic areas.
Our customers benefit from the worldwide market by making use of our global presence. It is not unusual to experience price differences ranging from 20–50% in different countries. We have access to overstock materials from our worldwide clients. This overstock is usually the result of miscalculated purchases, and it represents an opportunity for you to take advantage of significantly reduced material costs.
Use the expertise of our purchasing departments located in the United States, Germany, Malaysia, Taiwan, Israel, Dubai, India, and the Philippines. Our purchasing experts use their outstanding relationships with manufacturers and authorized distributors to obtain considerably better foreign market conditions compared to local United States markets.
Our sourcing department will cross-check our global clients’ overstock materials for potential matches. We cross-check over 30 years of history of sales, requirements, quotes, invoices, offers, and excess inventory purchases.If RH Electronics Inc. is unable to offer the requested components from our own stock, we will start the global sourcing process by checking all authorized distributors of your desired manufacturer for available stock, with a high success rate.